3 Unusual Signs You Might Be Approaching Menopause

Irregular periods and hot flashes are two of the biggest signs for women that menopause is on its way. The hormonal changes involved with menopause are so subtle, though, that women may overlook less obvious symptoms that can show up sooner than missed periods and inopportune warm flushes. If you're uncertain about whether or not you're in perimenopause, some of these more unusual symptoms may be something that you can use as a guideline.

Joint Pain

Often women who start experiencing joint pain during perimenopause chalk it up to a symptom of aging. This isn't always the case, however. Your doctor can rule out minor injuries from exercise as well as symptoms of other problems, such as osteoporosis. Stiff and aching joints can be something that shows up only periodically or they may be constant. Once your doctor determines that there are no other causes for your joint pain, it's a reasonable conclusion that the onset of menopause is the cause of the problem.


Women tend to hear from their doctors that mood swings can accompany menopause, but other mood problems occur, too. Anxiety levels may increase according to Marcelle Pick, OB-GYN NP. General stressors in life can contribute, but it's also likely that you can experience more problems with anxiety even in an ideal situation. The symptom isn't one that is normally discussed in relation to menopause, so many women who start experiencing it worry that there are other problems at play. Almost always, anxiety as a result of perimenopausal symptoms decreases markedly once patients start treating the hormonal balances caused by menopause.

Trouble Concentrating

That fuzzy feeling that you should be doing something or that there is something that you're forgetting is never a fun one. It's less fun when every time you walk into a room, you forget why you went there. Many women approaching menopause find that those moments come far more often than they ever used to. These problems are also often looked at as a symptom of aging, so women tend to avoid mentioning it to their doctors. Once hormonal levels are adjusted, however, the fuzziness makes fewer and fewer appearances.

If you're concerned that you are nearing the point that you need to do something about your menopause symptoms, contact your doctor like one from Bay Area Women's Care. He can run hormone tests and he can recommend the right menopause treatment for your situation. You'll love feeling better and weathering the menopause storm more easily. 
